3 dimensional ideas with an allegorical function.
The affection for Hi-Fi design

Machines, we don’t see what they do.


PSYCHEDELICS IN THE AGE OF (Text sourced from https://www.organism.earth/library/document/psychedelics-in-the-age-of-intelligent-machines) INTELLIGENT MACHINES

We make the most beautiful machines for warfare and killing
About 80’s tronics and collecting them. To me they are the most advanced design yet, downhill from here.
Is it just the beauty of design? NOIT MUCH CARE FOR THE FUNCTIONALITY. The memory of the future? The sculpture like manga shapes.
Recreating this would be redundant, this is already it.
Using it in an installation?
Cameras and screens. Remote controlled.

Cameras and tape recorders.
Eyes and ears.
These shapes as inspiration for the machines.
chines for warfare and killing
About 80’s tronics and collecting them. To me they are the most advanced design yet, downhill from here.

Bionic MAchines
Inside of a fighter jet.
(zinc chromate primer)