Death of history


A fantasy of destruction
Coded decoration - computer

Burning city
Glass facades reflecting fire and destruction
Broken glass facade, with fire inside
Animated mirror facades
Add fire to existing footage
Whole skyline attacked by lines, exploding in pixels (computer game ref., playing with destruction.)
Google streetview burning apocalyptic scenes inserted
Cities after the fire, overgrown, farming

Also reflect burning palm trees
fighter planes and bombers, parachutes

Death of internet

PIle of broken screens
piles of computers, phones etc
Browsers showing static

Analog machines, offline machinery
the last update
Cut the cables


Long march
People on the move
compiled from all videos and films
overlayed grid perspective
painting too, deep dark background with luminous chalk thick lines for grid.
people painted with thick paint.

Rewriting the past and Writing the future
historical footage and imagery
abstract surroundings connecting everything in 3d grid form
The Grid signifying a spatial time.. the same setting moving in time. Reoccurring patterns of human behaviour and power. Use the spatial element of perspective to connect instances in history.
End of an empire.

Red pink faces, angry rage. Red white and blue coloring for clothing. 
Contrasting with.... the stale grid background, the system of planetary murder

Rewriting done by AI. 

Power makes you dumb.

Dead Sea
Ships on the bottom of the ocean
ship halfway to the bottom

Heroes and Prophets
The people in power
power of what 
Weilding what

The death of the book

Ocean of cars
Robots in Suits
Weapons of mass corruption

Gods of destruction
World of distraction

Met some of those high end gallerists today. I felt that old eagerness that helps noone. Glad I didn’t act on it. But what is that? I feel eagerness and disdain. Disdain is something I should watch out for. You cannot know nothing about a person and feel disdain.

I like the word though. As a title for a work. Disdain for the man in a suit, the man who feels disdain. Or I think he does. What is the color of disdain? What shape? Maybe it is orange, because orange.

Can we talk about musical ambitions? What is that? Does it satisy some kind of mathematic desire to understand and play with time?
Place things in time, a linear composition.

Atmosphere is what I can create with music. It doesn’t have to be beats. Or danceable.

long march


late Middle English (as an adjective): from Latin deliberatus, ‘considered carefully’, past participle of deliberare, from de- ‘down’ + librare ‘weigh’ (from libra ‘scales’).



The New Line
Signature style
Against all odds

A newly devized signature style combined from my past wanderings.
A politically infused painterly style combining the swift brad touch with graphic elements, grids information etc.
The style can reflect in or originate from video and the LED screens.

Design a process, a practice
A daily Routine.

A place to dump images. Ordered by composition or dimensions. Create slideshow. Subject myself to the random selection. Take it from the computer. Standalone. Present on PVM screens.

Make slideshow file where prescaled images are dumped. Play and record on vhs or dv. 720x576. Use videomixer to overlay slideshows. 

(Moving back to old technology because the new shit makes me vibrate uncomfortably and I feel like I’m working for the machines and not the other way around. The changes are in my hands, turning knowbs and pressing buttons, not transferred from my mind directly into a computer. Like I am doing now. It is also a tactile way to stay connected to the past, my youth, containing a bright future which now seems lost. Is it a way to take back moves on the chess board and start over at an earlier point when the outlook was hopeful?)

Jump to painting and sketching
I need guidelines, the windows and grids could be a start. Charcoal or ink on paper. Large format. Layers for silkscreen or other forms of printing. Riso. This can be combined with the photo archive. 

-Buy large format paper a
and materials after checking what I have. The first series on large paper could be accompanied by a smaller sketch format.

Inspiration won’t come from weed alone, I need to surround myself with images. A slideprojector could be a way to keep it analog but slides are expensive. I could use this for best selections for each period. 
One beamer for sildeshow and monitors.
Slideshow can be brightsign dump or pendrive somehow.

Landscapes like Valloton
Spaces like Bacon
Gestures like Soulages
People like Gaugin? 
Maybe be obvious about this as a form of memory. Sample through remaking.

How can I use this all over the placeness to my advantage? This constant distraction, I welcome it but don’t give in to it. Or actually I do but I am not satisfied. I need a job description, an assignment, an agenda. This process will create the story I want to tell. The assignment could be sellable work because it is in series.

The assignment could be per series.

Make large grid stamps with wood and fabric. 

Format for digital with music:
Instagram video. PVM on its side
Youtube PVM

Combine music with live mixed video.
Content creation. 

Setup studio.
Place for large drawing - wall

Place for video edit
Place for Painting

pData Center:

Just the cube.

timeline scrolling at the bottom as a ring.
alternating facts

spinning globe on the block

Fictional place

wealth gap
military expenditure
climate deaths
animal extinction
child mortality
connected to the internet
amount of cars
earth temperature
beyonce no 1 hits
%AI content
phone time
books read
world population

names of all the deaths
font size to equalize amount of space taken

industrial revolution

it needs humor, rediculousness
scrolling phones, computer games

Or just symmetrical ego compositions
More fun to make, more effective less smart
less newsworthy

2024 marked a change. No more merely remarking that things are wrong and twisted, but actively engaging with the idea of changing, choosing other options. Rooting for other systems. Things are not inevitable. Things are not normal. It is orchestrated.