This fascination with circuitry has different origins for me. To start with the technological advances I experienced in my youth. The promises they held for an exciting and fascinating future where beautifully designed machines would elavate us to new altitudes of wonder. All this made possibkle by electronic and computer chips.
Later, after my dad took me to a lecture by the slightly controvercial Ruper Sheldrake, I became fascinated by a prevailing feeling of connectedness. I imagined invisible networks connecting people, ideas, buildings. Everything really. This was possibly sparked by Sheldrake’s theory of morphic fields. I made a book where the pages where divided into 3, making for endless combinations of layouts. Containing images of anything that reminded me of networking or interlinkedness.
Word vomit:
Symmetry, system, function, program, weaving, beading, conductor, brain, network, part-of, element, cell, nucleus, grid, cpu, processor, computer, nano architecture, micro, small, monolithic integrated circuit, semiconductor, silicon, transistor, integrated circuit, similitude, maze, plug in, architecture, MAZE, Ram and flash, Moore’s Law, MEMORY, brain, MASTER CONTROLLER, storageAssociation:
City grids, cell nucleus, beading and weaving, decorative arts, gustav klimt. miniature of cities, TAXIDERMY, Archaeology of organisation typology, evolution of, Like paintings in frames , Throne and temple decoration.
icons and auras, genotype, dna
Brains of the operation. What makes it work. Unit of functionality. Contains program. 20th century invention that chanaged everything.Making:
Recreating the idea of the computer chip as a unit of art. Decorative without active function. Can the function be redefined or associated? Hinted at? Or just decorative exploration of the nano architecture of our new world? What is the process of my design? A way of regurgetating the digital intake? Showing whats behind? Following existing designs or taking elements. Cutting and sampling.Makes sense to make with the wood pieces but maybe hand painting is better?
Interexchange chip designs with traditional
In 1970, French molecular biologist Jacques Monod proposed what he called the “abstract kingdom” — a conceptual place analogous to the biosphere, populated by ideas that propagate much like organisms do in the natural world. Monod wrote:
Ideas have retained some of the properties of organisms. Like them, they tend to perpetuate their structure and to breed; they too can fuse, recombine, segregate their content.

Rollo May:
Technology can be clung to, believed in, and depended on far beyond its legitimate sphere, since it also serves as a defense against our fears of irrational phenomena. Thus the very success of technological creativity […] is a threat to its own existence.
We really do need structure, so we can see we are nowhere.
architecture for memory
Santiago Ramon y Cajal drawings

COMPUTATION in the brain

Really so much inspiration looking at the images. I almost dont want to make anythin





The Chicago stone resembles circuitry diagrams


If I could reveal anything that is hidden from us, at least in modern cultures, it would be to reveal something that we’ve forgotten, that we used to know as well as we knew our own names. And that is that we live in a competent universe, that we are part of a brilliant planet. And that we are surrounded by genius. Biomimicry is a new discipline that tries to learn from those geniuses, and take advice from them, design advice. ” ~ Janine Benyus